Throughout time man has wondered. Wondered if we were alone. Wondered where we came from. As
of late, we have wondered why the Shivans came, we have wondered what happened to Bosch. We have wondered at our very
Three months after the events of Machina Terra, the saga continues to unfold. Still fresh in our minds are
the events surrounding the Shivans in Machina Terra, still fresh are the wounds, still fresh are the nightmares. With
Alliances cemented, an age of exploration begins, yet this is to be short lived. Waiting in the darkness they lurk.
Already they have begun to conquer. Already they are at war. For thousands of years the Shivans were the destroyers,
for thousands of years the reigned uncontested, until they came across mankind. Together with our Vasudan allies we
fought them back. They came again and destroyed a star. They came yet again. We are not the only war that
they fight. There are others.
In a universe with a million stories, this is but one. Origins.
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